Sunday, March 21, 2010

Would you like a Tarot Reading?

This week, I'm going to try something new.  I'm asking my followers (so if you're not following, now would be a good time to start) if they'd like a Tarot Reading and if so, I'm going to give them one.  The reason I'm doing this is because I'd like to learn some new spreads.

What is a spread?  A spread is the formation in which the cards are laid out.  Each position in the spread has a particular meaning.  For example, there is a very simple Past, Present, Future spread.  After the cards are shuffled, three cards are drawn and placed left to right.  The first one on the left is influences from your past, the middle card is what's going on now, and the right card is what you can expect in your future if you continue on your same path.

Currently, I typically use two:
  • The Celtic Cross spread, which contains 10 cards about one subject.
  • The Horoscope spread, which contains 13 cards about various areas in one's life.
I also do one card spreads, like yes or no, or "what's going on with..."
I have one person who asks questions and I shuffle the cards and draw them one at a time and answer them based on the card that gets drawn.
Last night, I had a friend who reads ask me to draw four cards, but she didn't tell me how to read them, so I just intuitively read them how they "felt" to me.

Are you game?  Here's how to play...
In the comments below this post, ask me what you want to know.  I don't need too many fact, I don't really need ANY details...  Most of the time, I don't even know what I'm specifically talking about, but you will know.  I've also had people ask about work when they really want to know about love.  The Tarot knows that, too.  LOL  Don't ask me how it works...I just know that it does.
Not sure how to ask your question?  Below are two websites which have some very good guidelines. 
Which Questions Can You Ask and When?
How to Phrase Tarot Questions
Don't worry...I won't post your reading on my blog.  I will email it to you.  And if you feel your reading is too personal, just post a comment that you'll send it to me via email (so your place in the queue will be held).   I will promise to do one reading per day (at least), so if you all post on the same day, you'll have to wait your turn.  It will be first come, first served.  You'll have the opportunity to ask until Saturday, March 27th at 11:59 PM.  :)
When you receive a Tarot reading, you're supposed to do something for the reader in return.  There are many readers who do this for money.  I am NOT one of them.  I have never taken a dime for a reading in the past 20 years and I'm not going to start now.  Your "gift" back to me will be the experience I get from learning a new spread, but I would also like you to click on one of the ads on my blog.  I'm really trying to see how and if these ads work.  So in your comment, can you please let me know that you clicked on one of the ads?  Thanks!


  1. I would like to know more about the love of my life

  2. would like to know if in right place where universe wants,and spirits need me to be and of course if finances, happiness ect are ever gonna happen

  3. Tell me about my relationship with my boyfriend.

  4. To're up next. I don't know how to contact you. If you are following me anonymously, that's okay, but I am not able to send you a reading. If you would like to remain anonymous, could you set up an email address where I can send your reading and send me a message or if it is okay to post it here on my blog, let me know.
