Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Would you like a Tarot Reading? EXTENDED

I'm very behind in my postings, although I have been pulling the cards each day.  So, I'm extending my offer to read your tarot cards, as outlined below, since I know you've all been busy, too.  I'm extending this until I catch up...which I'm hoping will be soon.

Colleen, no need to resubmit. You are getting the first one.  I'm still looking for a good, new spread.

Below please find my original post.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Lovers


This card is for Thursday, March 26, 2010. Still catching up...
It should also be noted that I first pulled The Chariot, which I've gotten recently, and I'm sure I am still under it's influence.

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Lovers generally has to do with the relationship itself, not the individuals involved in it.  This is signified by the angel hovering overhead.  For me, it usually says that you have choices, most generally in Love, of course, but not always.  It could be another strong bond.  It points to the creation of something new, from the individual parts.  So a new relationship, maybe, or a renewal of a current one.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Christian:  The struggle between the passions and conscience.
  • Crowley:  Intuition, intelligence, frivolity, thoughtfulness divorced from practical consideration, indecision, self-contradiction.
  • Grimaud:  The thought of physical love, union, marriage, many unions - infidelity, a choice to be made
  • Waite:  Card of human love, attraction, beauty, trials overcome.
  • Suggested:  The choice between mother and wife, wealth and love, age and youth, wisdom and passion

Psychic Revelation
The Lovers

My Interpretation for Today

I know the choice between something real and something I find very exciting was presented today.  I believe we get into a lot of trouble because of chemistry.  I know I have experienced it a few times and it was always trouble.  I do believe this card points to a relationship...I'm just not sure if it's a new one that would be very good for me or the one that I know isn't.  At any rate, though I want to give up on most days, it's still an experience that I want to have, so I continue to try.  With the Lovers, I feel there is still hope.

Friday, March 26, 2010

6 of Wands


This card is for Wednesday, March 24, 2010. Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, the 6 of Wands represents a bit of respite after the storm. You've achieved some victories and things are looking up, so it's time to take a bit of a break.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Victory after stife, gain
  • Waite: A victor in triumph, great news, expetations crowned, fulfilment of deferred hope.

Psychic Revelation
6 of Wands

My Interpretation for Today

By today, things have been looking up.  I've made (inner) peace with the person that hurt me.  I'd decided that I'm okay with the results whether or not I get the job I interviewed for.  The project I've been working for is going well.  My former boss has been contacting me, but I'm not letting that get to me.  I've been corresponding with a guy who seems to respect me like no other has in years.  I need a break from the past few weeks.  I think I will take one.

4 of Wands


This card is for Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 4 of Wands, for me, is about celebrating. Sometimes it's about recognition for your efforts and sometimes it's just about fun times. Social events are often noted, particularly weddings and parties of all sorts.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Perfected work
  • Golden Dawn:  Settlement, arrangement completed
  • Kahn:  A fortunate partnership, a satisfying project, friends, work that is enjoyed
  • Waite:  Domestic tranquility, prosperity, peace

Psychic Revelation
4 of Wands

My Interpretation for Today

I had a job interview on this day and I spent a great deal of time detailing my accomplisments.  I realized that no matter how I feel about where I am now, my accomplishments mean a great deal to me.  They are important. They define me.  And at this point in time, the celebration of those accomplishments is what keeps me focused and positive on what I want to do.  I am beginning to think more and more that a traditional job is something that might not work for me.  I've been speaking about it for weeks, thinking about it for months, and I have started formulating a plan.  This was also the day when I spent some time chatting with someone new whom I really like.  He was responsible for putting me at peace somewhat.  Although my day was highly charged still from the day before, the time I spent talking to him was very relaxing and nice.  Things, too, are going well with my work project.    All in all, the influence of the 4 of Wands was very good on this day.



I'm very behind in my writing. I've been pulling the cards everyday, but sometimes life gets in the way. I'm going to try to be more vigilant.  This card is for Monday, March 22, 2010.  I'd also like to note that this card was one of those that "flew" out of the deck while shuffling.

My Intuitive Interpretation

Temperance is just what you might think it is...doing things in moderation.  Keeping things in balance.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Douglas:  Literally temperance - the mixing of opposite ingredients in proper proportion.  Implication is that this mixing is internal, rather than with external forces.
  • Gray:  Working together
  • Grimaud:  Reflection, decision which is not immediate, consideration of arguments pro and con.
  • Huson:  Short-term stalemate followed by resolution

Psychic Revelation

My Interpretation for Today

Monday was not a day of temperance for me.  It was a day of very high drama, lots of frustration and many tears.  I drew the card early in the day and had I heeded its advice, the day might have gone a little better, but such are the way things are.  Sometimes we know what we should do, but our emotions take over and we act in a way that is inappropriate or just not good for us at all.  And even in the midst of my drama, I kept thinking about Temperance, but to no avail.  This is how Monday was for me and it's affected the rest of my week (so far) in some way.  What is most amazing to me is that these cards show up when they should...when they are meaningful.  That's how they work.  I don't know why -- I just know that they do.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ace of Cups

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Ace of Cups is about new beginnings, particularly in the area of love and relationships.   It could mean something new, or something starting anew in a current relationship.  For me, it's always been about hope.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Fertility, productiveness, beauty, pleasure
  • Gray:  The coming of transcendent love, joy, contentment
  • Papus:  Commencement of a love affair
  • Waite:  House of the true joy, content, abundance
  • Suggested:  A card of potential

Psychic Revelation
Ace of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

The area of love and relationships has been an area taking up a lot of my spare time the past year or so since I decided to start dating again. I was shuffling to pull my card for today and chatting with a friend online, telling her I was going to do a Tarot reading for myself  later, because I feel I should just give up.  It's not like I don't have any number of admirers, more or less worldwide. What has been illusive for me has been integrating it all into just one man who lives reasonably close to me...I mean, the same continent would be nice.  It's not like I have lots of "requirements" but that would probably be one of them.  LOL  I've been trying to meet a guy I've been talking to for about a month (mentioned the other day) and while we're having trouble with scheduling, I keep thinking that I shouldn't really bother, since I already have a feeling that he will be the same as the ones I already have.  And then I pull the Ace of Cups.  The cards keep telling me that I really do need to keep at it...not to give wait for the something new.  It could be this one, or could very well be another one (he lives on my continent, too!) who's been chatting with me off and on for several months.  Or maybe it could be one I've yet to even know...but whatever is coming, the Ace of Cups is telling me it's not time to give up just yet.

Would you like a Tarot Reading?

This week, I'm going to try something new.  I'm asking my followers (so if you're not following, now would be a good time to start) if they'd like a Tarot Reading and if so, I'm going to give them one.  The reason I'm doing this is because I'd like to learn some new spreads.

What is a spread?  A spread is the formation in which the cards are laid out.  Each position in the spread has a particular meaning.  For example, there is a very simple Past, Present, Future spread.  After the cards are shuffled, three cards are drawn and placed left to right.  The first one on the left is influences from your past, the middle card is what's going on now, and the right card is what you can expect in your future if you continue on your same path.

Currently, I typically use two:
  • The Celtic Cross spread, which contains 10 cards about one subject.
  • The Horoscope spread, which contains 13 cards about various areas in one's life.
I also do one card spreads, like yes or no, or "what's going on with..."
I have one person who asks questions and I shuffle the cards and draw them one at a time and answer them based on the card that gets drawn.
Last night, I had a friend who reads ask me to draw four cards, but she didn't tell me how to read them, so I just intuitively read them how they "felt" to me.

Are you game?  Here's how to play...
In the comments below this post, ask me what you want to know.  I don't need too many fact, I don't really need ANY details...  Most of the time, I don't even know what I'm specifically talking about, but you will know.  I've also had people ask about work when they really want to know about love.  The Tarot knows that, too.  LOL  Don't ask me how it works...I just know that it does.
Not sure how to ask your question?  Below are two websites which have some very good guidelines. 
Which Questions Can You Ask and When?
How to Phrase Tarot Questions
Don't worry...I won't post your reading on my blog.  I will email it to you.  And if you feel your reading is too personal, just post a comment that you'll send it to me via email (so your place in the queue will be held).   I will promise to do one reading per day (at least), so if you all post on the same day, you'll have to wait your turn.  It will be first come, first served.  You'll have the opportunity to ask until Saturday, March 27th at 11:59 PM.  :)
When you receive a Tarot reading, you're supposed to do something for the reader in return.  There are many readers who do this for money.  I am NOT one of them.  I have never taken a dime for a reading in the past 20 years and I'm not going to start now.  Your "gift" back to me will be the experience I get from learning a new spread, but I would also like you to click on one of the ads on my blog.  I'm really trying to see how and if these ads work.  So in your comment, can you please let me know that you clicked on one of the ads?  Thanks!

Which area of your life would you be most interested in knowing about?

Poll Results

If you were having a Tarot Reading today, which area of your life would you be most interested in knowing about?

50%   Work
50%    Love

Saturday, March 20, 2010

10 of Pentacles


Just a note that I initially pulled the 6 of Swords, which I have already drawn this week.  I'm sure the influences of the 6 of Swords is still going on.

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 10 of Pentacles, for me, means that security and stability in all forms will be realized.  It means prosperity particularly in matters of money and work-related activities, so I'm hoping this will be good news for my upcoming job interviews.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Wealth, riches, material prosperity
  • Grimaud:  Success, agreement, complete joy
  • Huson:  Stable home, family life, the house
  • Waite:  Gain, riches, family matters, chance, an occasion which may be fortunate or otherwise.

Psychic Revelation
10 of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

I really need things to turn around financially right now and I do have a couple of things coming up.  But this card also indicates favorable activity in matters of love and homelife.  Overall, it's a very positive card and I do see things happening for me at the moment, at least financially.  At the very least, I remain hopeful.

Friday, March 19, 2010

8 of Cups

My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, the 8 of Cups is about longing for things that will never be.  It's about leaving things behind.  I find it interesting that the moon shows up in this card as well.  (The Moon showed up yesterday.)  It should be noted that I pulled this card at the end of the day, whereas I've been pulling them at the beginning of the day.  The circumstances of what happened just a short while ago leave me feeling very much like the 8 of Cups.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Abandoned success, instability
  • Grimaud:  Disappointment without success
  • Kahn:  Pleasures for the moment
  • Waite:  The decline of a matter or the revealing of a previously thought to be important matter as unimportant or trivial

Psychic Revelation
8 of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

I have had two phone conversations with the King of Pentacles now.  We had an online chat just a little while ago and he was saying how he's "not sure where this is going".  Well, we haven't met yet, so in my mind, it's going nowhere.  He said he's not sure what kind of vibe we have.  Well, in my mind, whatever vibe we might have now may completely change when we actually do meet.  He says he's not sure that we're on the same page.  Well, in my mind, we're probably not even in the same book!  I asked him to tell me an interesting story and he asked that I go first.  I told him how I ended up in NYC.  He said he didn't have a story nearly that interesting and I'm thinking that if you don't have even one interesting story in 47 years...  He says he still wants to meet, but all of that stuff, in my mind, was him trying to get out of it.   I have pretty good intuition on these things.  I am rejected again.  In truth, I no longer want to meet him.  We aren't going anywhere. the vibe has changed and we're in completely different books.  And I am left with a longing of things that will never be.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Moon

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Moon is just what you might think.  Lunatic comes from Luna (the Moon) and it means "affected by the moon".  It's about being a confused with all the things that are going on.  Maybe you don't have control over everything going on.  It's about not being decisive because all the choices seem either good or bad.  For me, the Moon is an emotional card.  It's not necessarily about facts, but how you feel about things.  This is how I'm feeling today.  Imagine that.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Crowley:  Illusion, deception, bewiderment, hysteria, even madness, dreaminess, falsehood, error, crisis, the brink of important change.
  • Douglas:  Intuition, particularly necessary to save one from crisis.
  • Thierens:  Feelings, sentiments, uncertaintly, dreams, exhibitions
  • Suggested:  Feeling and intuitionregret or longing, the card of that which is yet to be born, the intagible and the unreal (in the sense of being non-physical)

Psychic Revelation
The Moon

My Interpretation for Today

It has been a particularly emotional week for me, even if I haven't had much time to deal with them.  I've had confusion over employment offers, dealings with men, worries over money.  And I've been missing my Dad and my Grandmother.  Maybe this card is showing up for me today because I need to take a break from all of it.  Most of these things are out of my control anyway (and I really hate not having control) and it might just be better to take a few days for me to regroup and not think about these things.  Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and all I really want to do is hide, sleep, drop out for a little bit.  Could this be the influence of the Moon?  Maybe.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

King of Pentacles

My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, the King of Pentacles is very stable, responsible, knows what he wants, knows how to get and knows how to keep it.  The unfortunate thing for me is, this man seems really BORING.  He is also probably just the guy I need.  And yes, I do believe this represents a person and a specific person. I do think that this card came to me today because I need to give him a chance.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Friendly, steady reliable (married) man
  • Crowley:  Practical, energetic, capable manager, steadfast, competent, ingenious trustworthy, may appear dull
  • Waite:  Valour, success in business

Psychic Revelation
King of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

So two days ago, I got the Queen of Pentacles and now I've pulled the King.  I believe this definitely represents someone I am about to meet.  We've been emailing for awhile, but it's been stepped up the last few days.  Today, we actually spoke.  He seems a lot like the King of Pentacles and that's not the type I usually go for...I do think that this card is telling me to give him a chance.  My "usually go for" types aren't working out.  LOL  I will keep you posted...or at least the cards will.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The High Priestess

My Intuitive Interpretation

The High Priestess, for me, is about intuition.  It's about gut instincts.  It's about trusting the messages that come to you in whatever form they get to you.  I have been working on my High Priestess gifts for years, but still, I often do not trust the messages that I get, particularly when they are about me.  Ideas or random thoughts often pop into my head.  When they are about others, I pay attention.  When they are about me, I tend to ignore them.  I have lots of ideas and random thoughts today.  The High Priestess is telling me:  Listen.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Memory, the subconscious, potential
  • Crowley:  Pure, exalted and gracious influence, change, fluctuation
  • Douglas:  Inspiration, revelation, divination, intuition.  Emotional instability or enslavement
  • Gray:  Sensuality
  • Waite:  Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed.  Silence, wisdome, passion, moral or physical ardour
  • Suggested:  Teacher in perhaps aan occult sense.  A guide.

Psychic Revelation
High Priestess

My Interpretation for Today

It should be noted that I consider the number 2 to be my favorite number and, indeed, this is one of my favorite cards.  I have been working very hard to continue to develop my intuitions and learning to trust what comes to me.  Of course, I use the Tarot to guide me.  One of the meanings of this card refers to sensuality and I have been enjoying lots of attention lately.  I had repressed this for many years and once I changed my attitude toward myself, things started happening for me.  This, I do believe, was definitely influenced by the High Priestess.  I do know my capacity for love now.  It's now just a matter of trusting my intuition to guide me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Queen of Pentacles

My Intuitive Interpretation

Another Court Card...the Queen of Pentacles could represent an actual person, but I tend to read them as archetypes of the card.  Pentacles typically represent stability, responsibility, money.  Queens tend to be be feminine (imagine that), and geared toward making a good home environment.  At this juncture in my life, I hope it's pointing to better days financially.  I could use that at this time.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Generous, intelligent, charming
  • Crowley:  Passivity, usually in its highest aspect. Ambitious in useful directions, kindness, greatness of heart, strong in intuition, domesticated, lustful
  • Golden Dawn:  Impetuous, kind, timid, charming, kind-hearted, melancholy, truthful
  • Waite:  Greatness of soul, generousity, security

Psychic Revelation
Queen of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

I think I need to amend my intuitive interpretation.  Perhaps it is pointing to better days financially, but it could just as easily be a card describing me at this moment in time.  I am very generous and have a hard time saying no.  It's just a question of who's asking and what they're asking for...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Notes

I've done a little maintenance on my blog this morning.  As I figure out more and more how this interface works, I'm developing a more standardized format.

I published the poll results from last week.  Feel free to comment on the results.  I also added a new poll for this week.  I hope you will vote.

I also added a new "page", which is an introduction to my blog, as well as a little story about how I became a Tarot card reader.  You can get to that near the bottom of the right side, right above my "About Me" section.

I'd also like to know what happens when you click on the ads.  If you can, please click on the ads throughout the week.  I am not allowed to, so your help with this would be great.  Specifically, I want to know what kind of revenue these clicks generate.

I've been developing this blog because I'd like to demonstrate a blog's usefulness as well as social networking sites (like Facebook) for small businesses.  I'm toying with the idea of starting my own small business for helping companies capitalize on the these tools.  Any help or suggestions you can give me are greatly appreciated.

I hope you have a really great week!


Have you ever had a Tarot Reading?

Poll Results

Have you ever had a Tarot Reading?

42%   Yes, and I'd do it again
14%   Yes, but I don't think it was real
14%   Yes, and it scared me
42%   No, but I want to.
14%   No, I don't believe in such things


My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, Justice, like its name implies, is  all about getting what you deserve, even if it's not want you want.  It's about trying to keep balance the areas in your life.  It's about doing what's fair and what's just.  Sometimes it's about tipping the scales a little bit when needed.  It's about getting to the truth.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  To teach or instruct, karma, faithful intelligence
  • Christian:  Absolute justice, attraction and repulsion
  • Douglas:  Conscience reminding the conscious mind of the existence of the unconscious, vindication of truth
  • Gray:  Equilibrium through the love of the Great Mother, Mercy advised and excessive severity contraindicated
  • Grimaud: Rehabilitation, honesty, justice performed
  • Huson:  Advice to weight a situation carefully
  • Kahn:  Cosmic law, karma

Psychic Revelation

My Interpretation for Today

Everything happens for a reason and I probably preach this more than anyone.  People come into our lives for a reason (and leave, as well).  Experiences happen for a reason.  I think this card appeared to me today because I have been feeling that I have not, lately, been getting what I deserve (or at least what I think I deserve) and this is in several areas of my life.  I must continue to remember that timing is everything and while I have my own time zone, the universe does not always work on it.  The job that I thought I wanted which didn't come left my time free for something else.  The love that I thought I deserved but which didn't happen leaves me free for the one that will truly appreciate me.  I am impatient.  I must learn that impatience gets me nowhere.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

7 of Swords

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 7 of Swords, for me, has always been about trying to get away with something...of being sneaky about it and being good at being sneaky about it. At its core, it's about manipulation of some sort. I know exactly what this is about today, as my mind has been on one topic and one topic alone. Yes, I am trying to be sneaky and to do a bit of manipulation. Yes, I know it's not going to work, but nonetheless, it's been on my mind all day.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Unstable effort, uncertainty, partial success
  • Douglas: Powerful opposition. Courage, perseverance, prudence and possibly cunning are required.
  • Gray: Foolish attempt at some kind of theft, arguments, spying, incomplete success.
  • Kaplan: New schemes, desires on the verge of fulfillment, attempts or endeavors.
  • Mathers: Hope, confidence, desire, attempt, wish.
  • Waite: Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence, a plan that may fail, annoyance.
  • Suggested:  Perfect wisdom, maturity, control of power, control of emotions, control of intuition and control of intelligence summarized.

Psychic Revelation
7 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

The advice of this card is obviously for me to stop trying to manipulate the situation and this is going to be difficult for me because I like to get what I want. Since everything points to actually NOT getting my way, perhaps I simply need to just let things ride out as they will and see what happens. Let's hope I can do that.

The image for this card is, again, not from a traditional deck, but I did like it.  It can be viewed and purchased here:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Page of Swords

My Intuitive Interpretation

Another messenger card...I've been getting messages from everywhere lately. The Page of Swords could be bringing a message that I don't particularly want to hear or something that has been particularly bugging me. My problem is I rarely listen to the Pages, believing that I am stronger than they are. Perhaps this card shows up today to remind me that I don't know everything and I should listen to messages, even subtle ones.
What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Vigilant, acute, subtle
  • Golden Dawn: Wisdom, strength, acuteness, subtleties in material things, grace, dexterity
  • Gray: Message or spying, impostors, frivolity or cunning, watch out for the unforeseen
  • Papus: An enemy, bad news, delay
  • Waite: Authority, overseeing, spying, vigilance
  • Suggested: Messages requiring thought, disturbing or exciting news

Psychic Revelation
Page of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

I'm not entirely sure what message the Page of Swords will bring me today, but I do resolve to listen to it. Swords are not particularly kind to me, but sometimes kindness is not what is needed. The Dictionary of Tarot made mention of policemen, and as many of you know, there is one in my life right now and he has been a source of much thought, particularly as we are redefining our relationship. Perhaps I need to pay attention to the messages...

The Chariot

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Chariot, for me, implies "full steam ahead". Things are in balance. You know where you're going. You know how to get there. The victory and your acknowledgement of it is fully at hand.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Christian: The domination of spirit over nature, the priesthood and the empire, the submission of the elements and forces of nature to intelligence and the labours of Man. Go towards the future with courage reinforced by the knowledge of doing right.
  • Crowley: Triumph, victory, hope, memory
  • Kahn: A card of balance and imbalance, accomplishment and failure, stamina and weakness.
  • Waite: Triumph in the mind, triumph over nature

Psychic Revelation
The Chariot

My Interpretation for Today

The Chariot shows up to remind me that I can triumph over my adversities. This has been particularly hard for me lately. I do have the skills and the knowledge and all I really need is the right conquest for the victory to be assured. Sometimes I do forget these things. Because this is a major card, I need to pay particular attention to it. I need to have the confidence that I can.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 of Swords

My Intuitive Interpretation

Ah, the 2 of Swords...For me, this card represents being blind to the obvious...of not being able to see that there are choices and not all of them are good for you. The moon suggests that there are elements of lunacy when pondering choices. The crossed arms suggest that you are obstinate about your final decision. Twos, in general, point toward the need or desire for balance. This is very interesting for me at this time. Of course I know what I should choose. I also know I am not ready for that choice. Yes, I can be very obstinate.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says

  • Case: Balanced force, indecision, friendship
  • Crowley: Peace
  • Douglas: Equilibrium, interplay of opposing forces, strife and dissent uniting to produce truth and beauty
  • Golden Dawn: Quarrel made up and arranged, peace restored yet with some tension remaining
  • Grimaud: Harmony, victory without conflict or battle, passive success
  • Kaplan: Stalemate, balance, harmony and firmness
  • Mathers: Friendship, valour
  • Waite: Conformity, courage, concord, tenderness, affection, intimacy, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty
  • Suggested: The faculty of analysis, the creative power of thought

Psychic Revelation
2 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

As usual, the Tarot knows what is going on in my head. The balance I desire in this situation can very well happen, but I can be blind to the fact that I am not the only one controlling the situation (and maybe I'm not controlling it at all). Perhaps the decision I made last week was the best choice, even if I am resisting it...and I AM resisting it. This card is telling me to look at all sides, take off the blindfold, put things in balance. It's not easy...

Again, I chose an image not from a traditional deck, but a representation of the 2 of Swords that I particularly like.  I hope the artist does not mind my using it. It can be found and ordered at this site:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3 of Cups

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 3 of Cups, for me, is always a card of celebration. It is sometimes referred to as the card of "Engagement". Can also mean fertility, though in my case, I doubt it means in the physical sense. It is, in general, a card of abundance, of plenty, of good things to come.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Pleasure, liberality, fulfillment, happy issue
  • Crowley:  Abundance, Fulfillment of the Will of Love in abounding joy, The spiritual basis of fertility
  • Douglas: Abundance, maternity, comfort, healing, unbridled passion, self-indulgence, sex without love
  • Papus:  Realization of the commencement of love. The love is mutual
  • Waite: Conclusion of a matter in plenty, happy issue, etc. Excess of physical enjoyment and sensuality. Consolation, cure
  • Suggested:  Child of intuition. That which is created (as opposed to the act of creation) or that which is felt strongly without rational support.

Psychic Revelation
3 of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

Hmmm...better safe than sorry.  I'm a bit afraid of that fertility thing.  LOL  Seriously though, I need something to celebrate these days.  Probably I need something quite a few areas of my life.  New job, new love.  Maybe it's time to find a new hobby, too...something to bring me joy.  I do find that I'm highly emotional these aspect of the cups, for sure.  Let's see what the next few days will bring.

The image above is not from a deck (that I know of), but I liked it as a representation of the Three of Cups.  I hope the artist does not mind my using it.  It can be found and ordered at this site:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Page of Wands

My Intuitive Interpretation

Finally, a Court Card. Court cards are sort of like the Jacks, Queens and Kings in a deck of playing cards. There is the added element of the Page in a Tarot deck. Pages are generally messengers of some sort and can represent a literal person. For me, the messages refer back to the suit of the card and wands tell me that I will receive a message about something I am passionate about.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Dark, young man, messenger, briilliance, courage
  • Crowley: Brilliance, daring, vigour, energy, impression of beauty, sudden, ambitious, superficial, theatrical, shallow, cruel, faithless, domineering
  • Waite: He is unknown but faithful and his tidings are strange. A lover, an envoy, a postman.
  • Suggested: Messages or the bearers of messages concerning love or hate. The coming of love.

Psychic Revelation

My Interpretation for Today

This is very interesting, for a slightly younger man who contacted me many months ago contacted me again today and we had a very short chat. We were having a problem communicating over the past few months. Basically, we were just having trouble contacting each other and that has now been rectified. Psychic Revelation says that "something you started a while ago is now coming to fruition". It also points to my general unhappiness in my current relationships and suggests that maybe I should take a chance here. Hmmm...let's see. I've been communicating with a couple of others, too. I think the Page of Wands is telling me to "take note".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Questions for Comments

It's been a week now that I've been doing this. The cards I've drawn have been pretty diverse. Only one Major Arcana card (Death), but I've had at least one card in each suit now. (Pentacles, Cups, Wands, Swords)
I have some questions for you, my followers:
  • Have any of the cards I've drawn this week "spoken" to you? If so, which one(s). Remember, this is a public forum, so only get as personal as you want to be in a public forum.
  • Have you looked at the cards I've selected (all from difference decks) and were you drawn to any of the pictures?
  • Do you click on the Psychic Revelation link? Have you explored there?
 I'm so curious to know your thoughts. Please feel free to comment anytime.
P.S. Near the end of my posts, on the right, are some ads. I'm trying this here to see how they work, which will help me with my new work-related venture. Please try clicking on them so I can see what they do. I am not allowed to do so... Thanks for your help!

6 of Swords

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 6 of Swords, for me, always points to taking a journey of some sort, either an actual trip or a journey which will take your life in a different direction. This card comes up quite often for me, as I experience the wanderlust very badly and always have. Of course, I don't get to indulge my wanderlust very often, but in situations when I cannot, I begin to do things likes look at maps and fantasize about trips I would like to take, people I need to see. Just this past week, I had a major "meltdown" where I wanted to pack up my life and go somewhere else. Don't we all fantasize about that sometimes? Most often, though, this card comes up when I know a change of direction is needed and I am avoiding it. It's not that I don't like change; it's just that I have trouble getting started. So I guess this card is telling me that it's time... You may wonder what kind of change this is telling me about. Well, swords always deal with matters of conflict, logic, mental activities. This could cover a couple of areas in my life right now. I'm tending to think I'm still in a "work" period, as opposed to my personal life, since I am especially focused on that the last few days.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Success after anxiety, passage from difficulties, a journey by water
  • Douglas: Solution to immediate problems or moving away from immediate danger, disappearance of a major hindrance to travel
  • Gray: A journey, in flesh or spirit
  • Thierens: Health, travel (especially by water), sensuality and expressions of it
  • Waite: Declaration, confession, publicity, proposal of love. Pleasant voyage.
  • Suggested: The measure of intellect, texts, trials, perhaps lawsuits, perhaps simply evaluation.
Psychic Revelation
My Interpretation for Today
It seems the tide is going to turn for me, somehow. I'm hoping this is in the work-related area. I will be speaking to a trusted friend today, to get his advice and input. Work has been a very difficult area for me in the past several months especially. I am so afraid of going backwards -- of having to take a job that is underutilizing my skills. With the new idea I have been formulating this week, I believe I can get back to where I was, before all this mess started. I'll need help, but at least I know where to get it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

2 of Wands

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 2 of Wands (may also be known as Rods), for me, speaks to learning from your past, holding your world and your passions firmly in the present, while looking toward your future. This card is not meant to show your near future, but it does suggest that all things are in the works for a bright and happy one, though not necessarily right this minute. I believe I got this card today because I experienced a renewed passion and Wands are all about passionate pursuits. Now firmly encounsed in my new project, I remembered how much I love the work that I do. It provides me with enough creativity to keep me excited, enough learning to keep me interested, and enough challenge to keep me from becoming bored. Over the past several months, I had forgotten this. As I formulate a plan for gainful employment, I must remember where my passion really lies.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Dominion
  • Golden Dawn: Influence over another
  • Grimaud: Occult knowledge
  • Kahn: Waiting, a dry spell, patience required, firm position from which to contemplate the world.
  • Mathers: Riches, fortune, opulence
  • Waite: Riches, mangificence, physical suffering, surprise, enchament, emotion, trivial disappontments
  • Suggested: The creative power of earth or emotions
  • Psychic Revelation: Balance, even in the mundane
Psychic Revelation
My Interpretation for Today
I guess I interpret this very differently than the various schools above (and as the interpreter, I am free to do this to a degree, based on what I intuit). I included the Psychic Revelation's view because I had forgotten that Twos are often about balance and things are very much out of balance for me right now. It spoke specifically about eating and sleeping, two areas where I am severely out of balance. While my vision is similar in some regards, particularly Kahn's -- a firm position to contemplate the world -- and perhaps to Waite's, referring to both good and bad aspects, I still see this card as positive. I can't quite get to the future yet (there are still some obstacles - there's that wall), but they seem minor now in relation to the way they were. I'm holding in my hand the knowledge (world); I have the passion (the wand in my hand); I can still see my past, but I'm not holding on to it (the wand behind me); and I'm looking forward to a future, still far out on the horizon. Perhaps I'm not ready for more than that just now.

Friday, March 5, 2010

10 of Cups

I must note that this is only my fourth day of this and already I've drawn a duplicate card. I initially shuffled the cards and spread them out as I did for the other days and I drew the 8 of Pentacles, which was Tuesday's card. In my world, I am still on Thursday and not Friday when this will post, so this was only two days ago. I believe this is significant as it reminds me what is important right now, which is working. However, I have been fairly distracted the past few months with what the 10 of Cups is talking about...

My Intuitive Interpretation
The 10 of Cups is the ultimate pennacle of emotional happiness and maturity. With it, the fruition of love has come about. The happy little family of the card sees nothing but a rainbow, flowers and blue skies as they are on their way to their castle for their "happily ever after". I do think this is what I desire now and finding someone special has been purvading my thoughts lately, as I've had plenty of time to think about it.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Lasting success; happiness to come
  • Golden Dawn: Matters definitely arranged and settled in accordance with one's wishes
  • Gray: Contentment, friendship, trust
  • Grimaud: Burning need for evolution, spiritual progress, transition, passage from life to death
  • Huson: Home life or homeland
  • Kahn: The city, envious people, material well being. miraculous event, meeting of a former friend from the distant past, the unusual, the unexpected
  • Papus: Uncertainty in the management of a love affair
  • Thierens: Well-earned security
  • Waite: Contentment, respose of the entire heart, perfection of human love and friendship
Psychic Revelation
My Interpretation for Today
I do know that I have been considering the possibilities of the 10 of Cups since I realized, right about a year ago, that I could actually have such a possibility. While it is a desire I have been focusing on, I feel I am very far away from it at this time, particularly in light of yesterday's card. I am still hopeful, even as I start over. But right now, as the 8 of Pentacles is screaming at me...I need to focus on work and money. Last night, I do believe I got an idea on how to do that.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My Intuitive Interpretation

Today the Death card came up. I did not draw this simply flew out of the deck while I was shuffling. It is important to note that, unlike the previous two days where I simply shuffled the deck without really thinking of anything specific, today I had a specific question in mind.

I know that television and movies view this as very ominious when it comes up in their fictional readings, but this is not the case. First of all, it never predicts death for the person asking the question. Never. We are all, at some point, going to die, so this would be pointless. What Death does predict is a very radical change.

That this card came up today is very indicative of a major change that I know must take place. I've known for quite some time that this change needed to take place and I am resisting it, although I know that this, too would be pointless. This was particularly evident to me when it dropped out of the deck onto the floor while shuffling. I knew immediately that this was supposed to be my card for Today.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Fertility, productiveness, motion, change, transformation, modification, imaginative intelligence
  • Christian: Creation, destruction, renewal
  • Crowley: Death, transformation, change (volutary or involuntary), logical development of existing conditions
  • Douglas: Major change, perhaps even by chance; clean sweep for further growth
  • Gray: Destruction followed by rebirth, disaster, violent change
  • Huson: Profound change in the psyche
  • Lind: Ridding oneself of fleshly desires
  • Waite: Change, mortality, loss of a benefactor for a man, many hardships for a woman, divorce, inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrification, somnambulism, hope destroyed
Psychic Revelation

My Interpretation for Today
Those of you close to me know about the major change I must make. Rest assured the decision is made and the die is already cast. While I cannot cut this person out of my life totally, there will be a radical change -- a transformation, if you will. I believe this will be a good change for both of us, even if we will miss what we will lose.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 of Pentacles

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 8 of Pentacles, to me, is a card of appreticeship, of learning new things, of branching out of one's comfort level.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says

  • Case: Skill in material affairs
  • Crowley: Prudence, inteliigence lovingly applied to material matters
  • Douglas: Concentration on short-term rather than long-term goals
  • Papus: Partial Success
  • Waite: Work, employment, craftmanship, skill in craft or business
  • Suggested: Established power properly applied, the rejuvenation of fire

Psychic Revelation
My Interpretation for Today
I begin a new project today, short-term, but in my area of expertise. It feels good to get back into the work that I love and this card suggests that I will probably learn some new things (as I usually do, which is why I love this work). Hopefully, this will lead to more work of this type, as it's been a rough few months. It also suggests that I branch out a bit and find new areas of expertise, to make myself more marketable.

Monday, March 1, 2010

7 of Cups

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 7 of Cups, to me, reveals many different offerings to choose from on an emotional level. Knowing which one or ones to choose is not always easy, but all of them should be considered before making any kind of decisions. Some of the offerings may seem scary and be rejected because of this, but life is about taking risks and sometimes the things that seem most scary to us are the ones that we should choose.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Illustionary success, ideas, designs, resolutions
  • Douglas: Exceptional promise or mystical experience, self delusion
  • Golden Dawn: Lying, deceit, promises unfulfilled
  • Thierens: Imagination, fantasy, reflections
  • Waite: Vision, some attainment but nothing permanent, desire, will, determination
  • Suggested: Intuition at its most developed level. Possible enlightenment. A very good, if solemn, card.
Psychic Revelation

My Interpretation for Today
I have a lot going on in my life and I probably need to focus on one thing at a time (difficult for me) and get things done. Deciding what is important now is also hard for me. There are some things that I put off because they are difficult and some things I focus on because they are desires. This card tells me to look at all my options, evaluate all my choices and look for what is best for me today.