Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Hello dear followers,

I'm sorry, I've been very busy the last couple of weeks, on a deadline with a work project.  I did not forget about you...

I still have readings to do for new spreads I want to learn.  Next up is Scott, followed by hct (who I did hear from) and then Sondra.

I created a new page to keep track of the cards I've already drawn.  You can find it on the bottom right-hand side of this page.  It's come to the point that I often draw cards I've already drawn.

My goal is to start anew on Sunday, when I will hopefully have some time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Devil


This card is for Sunday, April 11, 2010.  Still catching up.  This card was a "leaper", meaning it leaped out of the deck while shuffling.

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Devil, for me, is about bondage to things that probably aren't good for you, and probably you know this, but don't want to acknowledge it. It's like being in a love affair that's completely wrong for you, but hot just the same.  It's like being in a job that you hate, but one that pays you more money than you know you could make doing what you love.  The thing to remember about the Devil is that there's always a way to get away from the chains, providing you want to.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Crowley:  Blind impulse, irresistibly strong and unscrupulous, ambition, temptation, obsession, secret plan, obstinacy, rigidity
  • Gray:  Illness, improper use of force, bondage to material things, discontent, sensation without understanding
  • Kaplan:  Death, misery, disaster, bondage, violence of all forms
  • Lind:  Pan, instinctive behavior or folly
  • Waite:  Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality, that which is predestined but is not for this evil, weakness, pettiness, blindness
  • Suggested:  An evil force; brace yourself.  Internal force which cannot be ignored, learn to deal with it or be destroyed by it.  Probably less a card of evil than of fear.

Psychic Revelation
The Devil

My Interpretation for Today

My last few days have not been particularly good.  Things have been bothering me.  I believe the appearance of this card tells me that I have got to let go...become unchained to the feelings I have.  Maybe things cannot be proven now, but all of this will be seen as true or untrue in the near future.  What I cannot do is let this get to me to the point that I can't function outside of these feelings.

9 of Swords


This is for Saturday, April 10, 2010.  Still catching up.
I drew six cards drawn recently:  6 of Wands, The Tower, The Hermit, 6 of Cups, Ace of Rods, 7 of Pentacles.  I also drew the "To all believers" card from the Hanson-Roberts deck, which is to be interpreted as "you are not to know right now"

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 9 of Swords, for me, is the card of "nightmares".  It means that there are things nagging at you...things that you are unsure of or are causing you anxiety.  Sometimes anxieties are unfounded, but sometimes they are not.  You should analyze what and why these things are causing you anxiety and whether or not you need to be anxious.  If the latter is true, you must take steps to alleviate this stress.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Worry, suffering, despair, misery, loss
  • Douglas:  Assorted tribulations, most of them arising from the evil doing of others
  • Golden Dawn:  Illness, suffering, malice, cruelty, pain
  • Gray:  Suffering generally.
  • Waite:  Utter desolation, death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair.

Psychic Revelation
9 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

This was a mixed day for me.  First off, the father of a very close friend passed away, bringing up memories of my own father's passing.  There is also the nagging anxiety from yesterday...something that I cannot seem to shake.  The rest of the day of the day was quite good, spending time with family over coffee and dinner, and then coffee again with my aunt.  Not thinking about things often helps with the "nightmares".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

10 of Wands


This is for Friday, April 10, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 10 of Wands, for me, is about feeling weighed down by your burdens.  These burdens usually concern something you feel very deeply about.  The good news is that you're probably at the end of this cycle and while the stress seems bad right now, it's going to get better.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Oppression, burden of ill-regulated power
  • Douglas: Malicious deceit, guile or lies
  • Golden Dawn:  Cruelty and malice towards others, overbearing strength, revenge, injustice
  • Thierens:  Karma, duplicity, falsehood
  • Waite: Oppression, fortune, gain, disguise
  • Suggested:  The exhaustion of emotion.  Perhaps the end of a love affair.

Psychic Revelation
10 of Wands

My Interpretation for Today

Today was a day that I felt very bad about a particular situation.  I felt that someone close to me was telling me a lie, but it was a lie that I couldn't believe anyone would tell and I couldn't figure out why they were telling me this -- what they hoped to gain from it.  My gut was screaming that I shouldn't believe the story, but my heart was hoping that it wasn't a lie.  My intuition, normally pretty good, was out of whack today and, in general, seems to be with this particular person.  They have a power over me.  It does seem oppressive at times. I do feel burdened, sometimes, because of this.  I need to take back my power.  I'm just not sure how.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

4 of Pentacles


This is for Thursday, April 8, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 4 of Pentacles, for me, is about being selfish and miserly.  It's about holding on to things that you should share.  It's all about "me, me, me". It can also be about the fear of "letting go".

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Earthy power, physical forces and skill in directing them
  • Golden Dawn:  Gain of money and influence
  • Gray:  Gain or loss
  • Kaplan:  The miser
  • Waite:  The surety of possessions, cleaving to that which one has

Psychic Revelation
4 of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

This may be further to yesterday's 8 of Swords.  I am fearful to let go, even though I know that I should (and very much need to).  Perhaps I need to let go of the way things were and see the way things are and go from there.  Maybe I can't, right now, let go of the situations I know that I need to let go of, but my attitude about them needs to change.

8 of Swords


This is for Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Still catching up...
Just a note:  this one is a leaper!

My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, the 8 of Swords is about being blind to things you should be able to see, bound to things you should be able to let go, and closed in with things you should be able to open.  It's about being fearful to move on, even if you know a situation isn't good for you.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Indecision, waste of energy, crises
  • Golden Dawn:  Narrow or restricted, a prison
  • Waite:  Bad news, crisis, censure, conflict, sickness

Psychic Revelation
8 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

I know very well what this is about.  I am being presented with many opportunities, but I can't seem to see past one which I know is not necessarily good for me, but sometimes I think I have no choice.  I seem to have a problem letting go (or at least it takes me quite some time) and the 8 of Swords reminds me that, while it may seem I am blind and bound, I can easily remove my binds and blindfold and see the truth.  Sometimes I do forget that.

Friday, April 9, 2010

6 of Cups


This is for Tuesday, April 6, 2010.  Still catching up.

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 6 of Cups, for me, is about nostalgia.  It can even go back as far as your childhood.  It's about remembering the past, both the good and the bad.  Sometimes, we may tend to remember our past mistakes as justification that we still aren't where we want to be.  Sometimes, we relive the times we were happy because we aren't at the moment.  No matter which is the case, the 6 of Cups allows you to be nostalgic for a little while, but warns that living in the past can be detrimental to living in the present and moving forward to the future.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Begin of steady gain, new relations, new environment
  • Crowley:  Pleasure, well being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain.  Fulfillment of sexual will.
  • Douglas:  The past, working through the present, will create the future.
  • Gray:  Possibility of clinging too much to the past
  • Waite:  Pleasant memories, nostalgia, the future, new knowledge, new environment,

Psychic Revelation
6 of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

I had a very pleasant day on this day, and I was thinking a lot about the past, although not the far past.  I spent a great deal of time with Greg and I was remembering the time when we met, how we became friends, and how I much I miss seeing him on an almost daily basis.  I also went to see a client and I was remembering how much I really love what I do, as I feel challenged and satisfied.  But I was also confronted with what is really past and that is how it used to be with my former employer.  He is asking me to work for him again and I'm finding that a bit difficult.  In the "good ol' days" as the 6 of Cups reminds me, things were very good, but I became disheartened when everything went to hell.  I realize that I need to distance myself from what has gone before and start anew or I will never get past this.  There will have to be some new rules, of course, but I've been having such a difficult time with it.  I will have to get past the past, or I won't be able to continue...and at this juncture, I don't have many other choices.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Twenty-One Card Gypsy Spread

I never heard back from hct, who is not a regular follower and did not provide me an email address where to send a reading, so I decided to wait until I hear back and do Marilu's instead.  Marilu asked me not to reveal her question and I will respect that.

It should be noted that Marilu and I have been online friends for probably two years but we have never met.

I've chosen the Twenty-One Card Gypsy Spread for Marilu.  This spread is a bit more difficult than the ones I normally use (though perhaps not as difficult as the Trinity Spread).  I chose this one because of its depth of information.  Instead of having one card in each position, there are three, which should provide her with much more insight than would normally be expected.

The spread consists of 21 cards with three cards in each of seven piles.  The cards are laid out as follows:

 G  F  E  D  C  B  A
 7  6  5  4  3  2  1
14 13 12 11 10  9  8
21 20 19 18 17 16 15

Each set of three cards are read as follows:

A:  Present psychic state
B:  Present home life
C:  Present desires, hopes, and her question
D:  Her expectations in this matter
E:  What she does not expect (the kicker)
F:  Her immediate future
G:  The long term results of the matter

I will probably be doing this reading on Thursday.  As a note here, sometimes a reader is not always in the best frame of mind to be doing a reading.  For me, I have to be feeling pretty good both mentally and physically and not have too much going on in my own life.  I find that if I'm not feeling good or can't concentrate, it certainly does affect the reading and that isn't fair to the person I'm reading for (the Querent). 

Also, please remember that something must be given back to the reader.  I am asking that, if you get a reading, please click on one of the ads on my blog.  I would also like you to acknowledge it to me in some way.  Posting a comment after you get your reading would be nice.

Knight of Pentacles


This is for Monday, April 5, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

Knights are generally people or ideas that come around for a short period of time, do what they have to do and leave.  Pentacles have to do with stability, practicality and responsibility.  For me, the Knight of Pentacles suggests that taking care of the mundane, practical aspects of life will help keep other things in line as well.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Laborious, patient, dull young man
  • Douglas: A crusader or upholder of established tradition, practicality
  • Grimaud:  Fortune or attainment cannot come from laziness, success due to force, perseverance and will.
  • Thierens:  Discreet aid in financial difficulties, advantage, interest
  • Waite:  Utility, service, interest, responsibility

Psychic Revelation
Knight of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

Things seem very out of order in my home (practical matters).  The Knight of Pentacles is here to remind me that I need to keep things clean, organized and in shape.  I remembered these past few days that my turn to host Monthly Coffee is in less than a month.  I need to begin getting things in order for this... to make a plan.  My time to host is always an event for me.  Perhaps getting things in order (like Feng Shui) will open up new possibilities elsewhere.

Ace of Wands


This card is for Sunday, April 4, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

Aces always point to something new and Wands are fiery, creative, energetic and passionate.  This could be related to business or love or even some new hobby -- anything for which you feel passion and which will fire you up.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Energy, strength, beginning
  • Douglas:  Creativity, inspiration or intuition
  • Huson:  Activity, beginning, wisdom, initiative
  • Kahn:   A letter, a book, an important piece of writing
  • Thierens:  Birth, beginning, innovation, creation, initiative, impulse
  • Waite:  Invention, birth, family origin money, fortune.

Psychic Revelation
Ace of Wands

My Interpretation for Today

I have been solidifying what I am going to do to make money and I have been brainstorming ideas for quite some time.  While I am busy with a project (for which I am also feeling creative and energetic) at the moment and cannot devote all my time to this, I do spend quite a bit of time working on ideas and trying to figure it all out.  This marks a change from the past few months, when I really had no idea what I was going to do.  The Ace of Wands is here to tell me that this will be a good thing for me...that it will bring me fulfillment, which is so important to me in what I do.

Page of Cups


This card is for Saturday, April 3, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

Pages are generally messengers and the Page of Cups is a messenger of an emotional nature.  This could signify the start of a new love (or another message regarding love).  Could be messages from your own intuition.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Fair, studious youth, reflection, news
  • Golden Dawn:  Sweetness, poetry, gentleness, imagination, dreamy.
  • Thierens:  Friendly message, good news, proposal of marriage or love affair, possibility that someone will try to seduce the querent.
  • Waite:  News, messages, application, reflection, meditation, taste, inclination, attachment, seduction.
  • Suggested:  The coming of or message of intuition.

Psychic Revelation
Page of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

I met someone new on Friday and perhaps this card showed up today as a message to give him a chance.  He was, indeed, charming and handsome.  I don't know that we have very much in common, though.  Sometimes commonality isn't always evident upon first meeting.  I have decided to see him again and he does seem to want to.  So I'll take the advice of the card...

Monday, April 5, 2010



This card is for Friday, April 2, 2010. Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Strength card, for me, is just as you might imagine. It is a card that means you have the strength to do what you need to do, even if you're not sure that you do. It's a card of getting things done...

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Strength, fiery life power which is source of all human action.
  • Christian: Moral or organic force.
  • Crowley: Intelligence of all the activities of the spiritual being. Lust, implying the joy of strength exercised. Vigor and the rapture of vigor. Courage, energy and action, a grand passion, magickal power.
  • Douglas: Courage to take risks, defeat of unworthy impulses
  • Grimaud: The mind can always dominate matter.
  • Waite: Innocence and strength residing in contemplation, Fortitude connected with the divine mystery of union, power, energy, action.

Psychic Revelation

My Interpretation for Today

I admit that I have been enjoying renewed vigor in many areas of my life. Although the past few months have been pretty stressful, things have been getting much better. I have quite a few opportunities coming my way and I know that I do have the strength and the fortitude to handle them all.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Emperor


This is for Thursday, April 1, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Emperor is very practical, sometimes stern and advises that, at this time, thinking is definitely necessary...more so than feeling.  You need to get disciplined, organized and logical...kick things into high gear and get it done.  Sometimes this refers to an older man -- probably someone you need to listen to, for he is wiser than you are.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Watchfulness, vision, vigilance, examination, analysis, leadership, strength
  • Waite:  Virile power, stability, power, protection, realization, a great person, aid, authority, will, compassion

Psychic Revelation
The Emperor

My Interpretation for Today

As evidenced by the number of Major Arcana cards I've received lately, including this one, lots of things are happening for me.  Sometimes I do tend to over-analyze things, but sometimes I do all of my "thinking" with my heart.  Since lately I seem to be leaning more toward the heart, The Emperor steps in to remind me that  analyzing the situations might be good right now, as my heart seems to be jumping around A LOT!  I need to keep that in mind during this time.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Trinity Spread

John is next up and he would like to know if he's in the right place where the universe wants him and spirits need him, and would also like to know if finances and happiness are ever going to happen.

It should be noted that John and I have been online friends for several months (at least 8), but we have never met.

I chose the Trinity Spread for a couple of reasons.  First off, it uses only the Major Arcana (no suits) and the Court (Page, Knight, Queen, King) Cards.  This means that the cards he receives will be of major importance, dealing with the broad picture, and not so much with the "everyday" associated with the Minor Arcana (suit) cards.  I also chose this spread because it has some elements that I have never used before.  In addition to looking at influences from the Past, Present and Future, it also incorporates Emotions, Thoughts and Actions.  The spread uses 10 cards, one of which is the "Integration" or "Outcome".

The spread is laid out as follows:

               10   Integration

   7           8            9     Future

   1           2            3     Present

   4           5            6     Past

Emotions     Thoughts     Actions

Emotions deal with not only how you feel about things, but inspirations, intuitions, unconscious activities like dreams, creative activities, and hope and fears.

Thoughts include rational, logical, analytical and mental we typically make decisions.

Actions are how we translate our thoughts and emotions into results.

Integration represents the forces that come into play from the lower 9 cards.

This spread is different because it's read, really, in 7 phases:  Past, Present, Future, Emotions, Thoughts, Actions, Integration.  This is different because usually each card is read in only one position.  This spread has each card (except the Integration card) read in two.

This spread will take some time, so please, John, indulge me a little more of it.  I will do your spread later tonight, when I get home.

The Tower


This is for Wednesday, March 31, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Tower is, for me, not so much a card about total destruction (which it is), but for what comes afterwards:  the rebuilding.  Totally tear down whatever methods you have been using (which aren't working  anyway) and start anew. 

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  The power of utterance (this traditionally refers to the Tower of Babel).
  • Christian:  Ruin, punishment of pride, the downfall of the spirit that attempt to discover the mystery of God, reversals of fortune.
  • Crowley:  Total destruction, but to obtain "perfection".
  • Gray:  Divine will attempting to break down man's stubbornness, change, catastrophe, freedom gained at great cost
  • Huson:  That which is dead renewed by fire
  • Mayananda:  A transitional condition, always unpleasant.  Preparation through destruction for a new birth.
  • Waite:  Ruin when evil has prevailed, intellectual destruction, misery, distress.

Psychic Revelation
The Tower

My Interpretation for Today

I'm thinking that this card is the successor of yesterday's 5 of Cups (which I just finished, so it's fresh in my mind). I know that each day is influenced by previous days and perhaps this card is trying to tell me that I need to do things completely different than I have in the past.  I need to break down my walls, destroy my previous methods, and look at things in a new way....maybe branch out a little.

5 of Cups


This is for Tuesday, March 30, 2010.  Still catching up...
It should be noted that I pulled two cards:  8 of Cups and 7 of Swords, both recently drawn.

My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, the 5 of Cups is about mourning a lost opportunity or situation.  But if you look at the picture on the card, not all of the cups are spilled, so no matter what you're missing, there is still something to be thankful for:  perhaps the lesson learned or the opportunity for something new and better for you to come into your life.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Loss in pleasure, partial loss, vain regret
  • Golden Dawn:  Disappointment in love, unkindness from friends (deserved or not), loss of friendship
  • Grimaud:  Lack of harmony, indefinite plan which comes to nothing.
  • Kahn:  A soulmate; short but lingering love affair; letting go of a person, lifestyle or job
  • Waite:  Card of loss but with something remaining
  • Suggested:  The element of uncertainty in intuition.  Do you see what you think you see?  Limitation but with an element of hope.

Psychic Revelation
5 of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

While I don't remember feeling this way on this day in particular, this has been a familiar feeling in my life lately.  It seems no matter what I do, things don't turn out the way I want them, even if I'm sure they do turn out the way they're supposed to.  I do try to keep reminding myself that the lessons I learn are very valuable.  I also try to remember that I shouldn't give up, either.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Horseshoe Spread

CollieAnn was the first to respond to my Tarot Reading offer. She would like to know more about the love of her life. It should be known that I have only recently met her.  CollieAnn, could you please become a follower so that I can email you the reading?

While I am not going to reveal the details of her reading to you, I would like to explain why I chose this particular spread, how I begin the reading and what the spread encompasses, as well as what she might expect to learn from her reading and a little about what the reading is not.

I chose this particular spread because it seems to give a good overview of what's going on now and what will happen in the immediate and long-term future should she continue down the path she is headed now.  I want to note here that the tarot presents advice, just like a good friend.  One can choose to take the advice or to pursue a different direction.  I like to think of it as maximizing opportunities and thwarting problems.  If you like what you hear, recognize the opportunities that will lead you to your outcome.  If you don't like what you hear, perhaps you could consider some alternatives way to go.  Sometimes the Tarot will give you some advice in this regard, too. The Tarot should never be considered a substitute for your own judgement.

Because she is not with me now, I begin by concentrating on her and her question while I shuffle the cards.  I continue to shuffle until they are "done". Then I cut the cards.  This particular spread uses five cards.  They are positioned like this:

    2     4
1            5

1 = Present Position
2 = Present Expectations
3 = What is Not Expected
4 = Immediate Future
5 = Long-term Future

If you have any questions about this spread, please feel free to comment below.

The Hermit


This card is for Monday, March 29, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Hermit, for me, isn't so much about being physically alone, but about going deep into your own mind and intuition for answers, rather than relying on external sources, such as friends or even tarot cards.  Sometimes it is advisable to be alone physically, so that you can really focus on what needs to be attended to.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says

  • Douglas:  The start of the journey towards spiritual perfection.  A councilor, retreat from the world, a need for caution, patience, discretion and silence.
  • Kahn:  Perspective, circumspection, preparation, solitude, correct choice, awareness 
  • Waite:  Card of attainment, prudence
  • Suggested:  Loneliness, pilgrimage, a teacher, inner wisdom, meditation

Psychic Revelation
The Hermit

My Interpretation for Today

Unlike much of my time lately, I did not spend a great deal of time alone on this day.  I did, however, spend some time reflecting on some of the craziness of my life lately.  I am in need of calm.  I haven't had much of this lately and it's obviously something I miss.   While the last few months, in particular, have been exciting and chaotic, it is not a way to be for me and I am trying to figure out how to achieve my goals and still have a calmness about my life.  The Hermit reminds me that I am my own best friend, the person I trust the most, even if it doesn't always seem so to me.  I know what I need to do...what is best for me.

The World


This card is for Sunday, March 28, 2010. Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The World, for me, is about completion...everything coming together for a satisfying resolution.  Think about the phrase "On top of the World".

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Christian:  The reward of free spirits
  • Crowley:  The completion of the Great Work
  • Gray:  Completion,, travel, arrival at a state of cosmic consciousness, success or success yet to be won
  • Waite:  The perfection and end of the cosmos, the secret which is within it, assured success, recompense, voyage, change of place
  • Suggested:  Not a card of endings, a card of results which will tend to be physical.  Can be a sign of reward or punishment.

Psychic Revelation
The World

My Interpretation for Today

Sunday was a very interesting day for me...long, filled with good work, some frustration, and some fun.  It seemed like an all encompassing day and maybe that was what The World was about.  I am not exactly sure what I have "completed" or what results came about on this day, but sometimes the cards don't always reveal themselves in our time frame.  I do think that I came to a rather important decision about my immediate future and perhaps that is the what the World needed me to know.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

7 of Pentacles


This card is for Saturday, March 27, 2010. Still catching up... 

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 7 of Pentacles, for me, has always been one of longing.  It's about working very hard at something, but coming up short.  Of continually trying to get what you want, but never feeling you're getting it.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Success unfulfilled, delay but with growth
  • Golden Dawn:  Honorary work undertaken for the love of it and without hope of rewarded
  • Waite:  Business, money, barter, altercation

Psychic Revelation
7 of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

Things seemed to have gotten better on this day, but I was still feeling the effects of the previous few days. This was the end of a very long and difficult week. I did feel as if things were moving slowly and that I would never catch up, particularly financially, but in other ways as well.  

3 of Swords


This card is for Friday, March 26, 2010. Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 3 of Swords looks pretty bad, doesn't it?  It's not the most horrible card, but it does point to serious problems and issues which must be addressed -- problems that are usually related to affairs of the heart (though not always -- the swords relate to conflict, logic, thought).  Without addressing the problems, they will only doom the relationship.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Sorrow, disappointment, tears, delay, absence, separation
  • Kahn:  Distraction, confusion, disorder, error, incompatibility
  • Thierens:  Worries, being burdened, baffled hopes, rupture and seclusion, bitter and evil thoughts, aversion
  • Waite:  Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion

Psychic Revelation
3 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

Yes, I know very well what this is about.  I have been involved in an often exasperating personal relationship. There are serious issues, but we can't seem to get it together nor stay apart.  There is definitely a communication problem and I don't know how to fix it.  He brings out the very worst in me like no one ever has.  On this particular day, after a horrible exchange days before, we spoke...not quite as if nothing had happened, but as if we knew it was futile to try not to.  We have unfinished business of a karmic nature.  As the more rational one, I've got to figure out a way to work out our communication problems, if only for my own sanity.