Friday, April 2, 2010

The Horseshoe Spread

CollieAnn was the first to respond to my Tarot Reading offer. She would like to know more about the love of her life. It should be known that I have only recently met her.  CollieAnn, could you please become a follower so that I can email you the reading?

While I am not going to reveal the details of her reading to you, I would like to explain why I chose this particular spread, how I begin the reading and what the spread encompasses, as well as what she might expect to learn from her reading and a little about what the reading is not.

I chose this particular spread because it seems to give a good overview of what's going on now and what will happen in the immediate and long-term future should she continue down the path she is headed now.  I want to note here that the tarot presents advice, just like a good friend.  One can choose to take the advice or to pursue a different direction.  I like to think of it as maximizing opportunities and thwarting problems.  If you like what you hear, recognize the opportunities that will lead you to your outcome.  If you don't like what you hear, perhaps you could consider some alternatives way to go.  Sometimes the Tarot will give you some advice in this regard, too. The Tarot should never be considered a substitute for your own judgement.

Because she is not with me now, I begin by concentrating on her and her question while I shuffle the cards.  I continue to shuffle until they are "done". Then I cut the cards.  This particular spread uses five cards.  They are positioned like this:

    2     4
1            5

1 = Present Position
2 = Present Expectations
3 = What is Not Expected
4 = Immediate Future
5 = Long-term Future

If you have any questions about this spread, please feel free to comment below.

1 comment:

  1. CollieAnn, any thoughts you would like to share about your reading?
