Thursday, April 8, 2010

Twenty-One Card Gypsy Spread

I never heard back from hct, who is not a regular follower and did not provide me an email address where to send a reading, so I decided to wait until I hear back and do Marilu's instead.  Marilu asked me not to reveal her question and I will respect that.

It should be noted that Marilu and I have been online friends for probably two years but we have never met.

I've chosen the Twenty-One Card Gypsy Spread for Marilu.  This spread is a bit more difficult than the ones I normally use (though perhaps not as difficult as the Trinity Spread).  I chose this one because of its depth of information.  Instead of having one card in each position, there are three, which should provide her with much more insight than would normally be expected.

The spread consists of 21 cards with three cards in each of seven piles.  The cards are laid out as follows:

 G  F  E  D  C  B  A
 7  6  5  4  3  2  1
14 13 12 11 10  9  8
21 20 19 18 17 16 15

Each set of three cards are read as follows:

A:  Present psychic state
B:  Present home life
C:  Present desires, hopes, and her question
D:  Her expectations in this matter
E:  What she does not expect (the kicker)
F:  Her immediate future
G:  The long term results of the matter

I will probably be doing this reading on Thursday.  As a note here, sometimes a reader is not always in the best frame of mind to be doing a reading.  For me, I have to be feeling pretty good both mentally and physically and not have too much going on in my own life.  I find that if I'm not feeling good or can't concentrate, it certainly does affect the reading and that isn't fair to the person I'm reading for (the Querent). 

Also, please remember that something must be given back to the reader.  I am asking that, if you get a reading, please click on one of the ads on my blog.  I would also like you to acknowledge it to me in some way.  Posting a comment after you get your reading would be nice.


  1. excited and nervous all at the same time!!
    Today is Thursday. Do you mean next Thursday the 15th??

  2. Okay, Marilu. Your reading is done! Please let me know your thoughts, either here or privately.

    I liked this new spread as well. It doesn't put any emphasis on the past at starts in the present and moves to the future. Most spreads I've seen delve into the past influences. It's fairly thorough, too. I will be using this one again.
