Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ace of Cups

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Ace of Cups is about new beginnings, particularly in the area of love and relationships.   It could mean something new, or something starting anew in a current relationship.  For me, it's always been about hope.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Fertility, productiveness, beauty, pleasure
  • Gray:  The coming of transcendent love, joy, contentment
  • Papus:  Commencement of a love affair
  • Waite:  House of the true joy, content, abundance
  • Suggested:  A card of potential

Psychic Revelation
Ace of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

The area of love and relationships has been an area taking up a lot of my spare time the past year or so since I decided to start dating again. I was shuffling to pull my card for today and chatting with a friend online, telling her I was going to do a Tarot reading for myself  later, because I feel I should just give up.  It's not like I don't have any number of admirers, more or less worldwide. What has been illusive for me has been integrating it all into just one man who lives reasonably close to me...I mean, the same continent would be nice.  It's not like I have lots of "requirements" but that would probably be one of them.  LOL  I've been trying to meet a guy I've been talking to for about a month (mentioned the other day) and while we're having trouble with scheduling, I keep thinking that I shouldn't really bother, since I already have a feeling that he will be the same as the ones I already have.  And then I pull the Ace of Cups.  The cards keep telling me that I really do need to keep at it...not to give wait for the something new.  It could be this one, or could very well be another one (he lives on my continent, too!) who's been chatting with me off and on for several months.  Or maybe it could be one I've yet to even know...but whatever is coming, the Ace of Cups is telling me it's not time to give up just yet.

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