Friday, March 12, 2010

The Chariot

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Chariot, for me, implies "full steam ahead". Things are in balance. You know where you're going. You know how to get there. The victory and your acknowledgement of it is fully at hand.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Christian: The domination of spirit over nature, the priesthood and the empire, the submission of the elements and forces of nature to intelligence and the labours of Man. Go towards the future with courage reinforced by the knowledge of doing right.
  • Crowley: Triumph, victory, hope, memory
  • Kahn: A card of balance and imbalance, accomplishment and failure, stamina and weakness.
  • Waite: Triumph in the mind, triumph over nature

Psychic Revelation
The Chariot

My Interpretation for Today

The Chariot shows up to remind me that I can triumph over my adversities. This has been particularly hard for me lately. I do have the skills and the knowledge and all I really need is the right conquest for the victory to be assured. Sometimes I do forget these things. Because this is a major card, I need to pay particular attention to it. I need to have the confidence that I can.

1 comment:

  1. Just a couple of notes on this post. First, this was yesterday's post. I drew the card and had most of it written and got sidetracked.

    Secondly, the card image I chose above is from the Marsailles deck (one of the first French ones) and this deck was the very first one that I owned. It is not now one of my favorites, but I was particularly drawn to it when I first saw it.
