Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Notes

I've done a little maintenance on my blog this morning.  As I figure out more and more how this interface works, I'm developing a more standardized format.

I published the poll results from last week.  Feel free to comment on the results.  I also added a new poll for this week.  I hope you will vote.

I also added a new "page", which is an introduction to my blog, as well as a little story about how I became a Tarot card reader.  You can get to that near the bottom of the right side, right above my "About Me" section.

I'd also like to know what happens when you click on the ads.  If you can, please click on the ads throughout the week.  I am not allowed to, so your help with this would be great.  Specifically, I want to know what kind of revenue these clicks generate.

I've been developing this blog because I'd like to demonstrate a blog's usefulness as well as social networking sites (like Facebook) for small businesses.  I'm toying with the idea of starting my own small business for helping companies capitalize on the these tools.  Any help or suggestions you can give me are greatly appreciated.

I hope you have a really great week!



  1. I have a friend who is kind of doing that very's the link to his blog. He's super knowledgeable...I think you'll like his stuff...

    I think it's a great idea. Social media is totally the future of businesses...

  2. Thanks! I'm checking it out now.
