Friday, March 5, 2010

10 of Cups

I must note that this is only my fourth day of this and already I've drawn a duplicate card. I initially shuffled the cards and spread them out as I did for the other days and I drew the 8 of Pentacles, which was Tuesday's card. In my world, I am still on Thursday and not Friday when this will post, so this was only two days ago. I believe this is significant as it reminds me what is important right now, which is working. However, I have been fairly distracted the past few months with what the 10 of Cups is talking about...

My Intuitive Interpretation
The 10 of Cups is the ultimate pennacle of emotional happiness and maturity. With it, the fruition of love has come about. The happy little family of the card sees nothing but a rainbow, flowers and blue skies as they are on their way to their castle for their "happily ever after". I do think this is what I desire now and finding someone special has been purvading my thoughts lately, as I've had plenty of time to think about it.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case: Lasting success; happiness to come
  • Golden Dawn: Matters definitely arranged and settled in accordance with one's wishes
  • Gray: Contentment, friendship, trust
  • Grimaud: Burning need for evolution, spiritual progress, transition, passage from life to death
  • Huson: Home life or homeland
  • Kahn: The city, envious people, material well being. miraculous event, meeting of a former friend from the distant past, the unusual, the unexpected
  • Papus: Uncertainty in the management of a love affair
  • Thierens: Well-earned security
  • Waite: Contentment, respose of the entire heart, perfection of human love and friendship
Psychic Revelation
My Interpretation for Today
I do know that I have been considering the possibilities of the 10 of Cups since I realized, right about a year ago, that I could actually have such a possibility. While it is a desire I have been focusing on, I feel I am very far away from it at this time, particularly in light of yesterday's card. I am still hopeful, even as I start over. But right now, as the 8 of Pentacles is screaming at me...I need to focus on work and money. Last night, I do believe I got an idea on how to do that.


  1. I have begun to note the school of thought from my Dictionary of Tarot. I believe I most often relate to Waite and Case, who are very much regarded as pioneers in the modern day, although I do pick out others which I think are relevant to me. I will go back and fix my previous posts to include these schools, as noted above. I am also going to include pictures, especially for you, my followers. The one above is from the Hanson-Roberts deck and if I've ever read you, you may remember that I used this deck. It is a favorite of mine and virtually the only one I read from (especially for others).

  2. I am really enjoying reading this, and look forward to you reading me in the near future!
