Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Hello dear followers,

I'm sorry, I've been very busy the last couple of weeks, on a deadline with a work project.  I did not forget about you...

I still have readings to do for new spreads I want to learn.  Next up is Scott, followed by hct (who I did hear from) and then Sondra.

I created a new page to keep track of the cards I've already drawn.  You can find it on the bottom right-hand side of this page.  It's come to the point that I often draw cards I've already drawn.

My goal is to start anew on Sunday, when I will hopefully have some time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Devil


This card is for Sunday, April 11, 2010.  Still catching up.  This card was a "leaper", meaning it leaped out of the deck while shuffling.

My Intuitive Interpretation

The Devil, for me, is about bondage to things that probably aren't good for you, and probably you know this, but don't want to acknowledge it. It's like being in a love affair that's completely wrong for you, but hot just the same.  It's like being in a job that you hate, but one that pays you more money than you know you could make doing what you love.  The thing to remember about the Devil is that there's always a way to get away from the chains, providing you want to.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Crowley:  Blind impulse, irresistibly strong and unscrupulous, ambition, temptation, obsession, secret plan, obstinacy, rigidity
  • Gray:  Illness, improper use of force, bondage to material things, discontent, sensation without understanding
  • Kaplan:  Death, misery, disaster, bondage, violence of all forms
  • Lind:  Pan, instinctive behavior or folly
  • Waite:  Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality, that which is predestined but is not for this evil, weakness, pettiness, blindness
  • Suggested:  An evil force; brace yourself.  Internal force which cannot be ignored, learn to deal with it or be destroyed by it.  Probably less a card of evil than of fear.

Psychic Revelation
The Devil

My Interpretation for Today

My last few days have not been particularly good.  Things have been bothering me.  I believe the appearance of this card tells me that I have got to let go...become unchained to the feelings I have.  Maybe things cannot be proven now, but all of this will be seen as true or untrue in the near future.  What I cannot do is let this get to me to the point that I can't function outside of these feelings.

9 of Swords


This is for Saturday, April 10, 2010.  Still catching up.
I drew six cards drawn recently:  6 of Wands, The Tower, The Hermit, 6 of Cups, Ace of Rods, 7 of Pentacles.  I also drew the "To all believers" card from the Hanson-Roberts deck, which is to be interpreted as "you are not to know right now"

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 9 of Swords, for me, is the card of "nightmares".  It means that there are things nagging at you...things that you are unsure of or are causing you anxiety.  Sometimes anxieties are unfounded, but sometimes they are not.  You should analyze what and why these things are causing you anxiety and whether or not you need to be anxious.  If the latter is true, you must take steps to alleviate this stress.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Worry, suffering, despair, misery, loss
  • Douglas:  Assorted tribulations, most of them arising from the evil doing of others
  • Golden Dawn:  Illness, suffering, malice, cruelty, pain
  • Gray:  Suffering generally.
  • Waite:  Utter desolation, death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair.

Psychic Revelation
9 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

This was a mixed day for me.  First off, the father of a very close friend passed away, bringing up memories of my own father's passing.  There is also the nagging anxiety from yesterday...something that I cannot seem to shake.  The rest of the day of the day was quite good, spending time with family over coffee and dinner, and then coffee again with my aunt.  Not thinking about things often helps with the "nightmares".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

10 of Wands


This is for Friday, April 10, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 10 of Wands, for me, is about feeling weighed down by your burdens.  These burdens usually concern something you feel very deeply about.  The good news is that you're probably at the end of this cycle and while the stress seems bad right now, it's going to get better.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Oppression, burden of ill-regulated power
  • Douglas: Malicious deceit, guile or lies
  • Golden Dawn:  Cruelty and malice towards others, overbearing strength, revenge, injustice
  • Thierens:  Karma, duplicity, falsehood
  • Waite: Oppression, fortune, gain, disguise
  • Suggested:  The exhaustion of emotion.  Perhaps the end of a love affair.

Psychic Revelation
10 of Wands

My Interpretation for Today

Today was a day that I felt very bad about a particular situation.  I felt that someone close to me was telling me a lie, but it was a lie that I couldn't believe anyone would tell and I couldn't figure out why they were telling me this -- what they hoped to gain from it.  My gut was screaming that I shouldn't believe the story, but my heart was hoping that it wasn't a lie.  My intuition, normally pretty good, was out of whack today and, in general, seems to be with this particular person.  They have a power over me.  It does seem oppressive at times. I do feel burdened, sometimes, because of this.  I need to take back my power.  I'm just not sure how.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

4 of Pentacles


This is for Thursday, April 8, 2010.  Still catching up...

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 4 of Pentacles, for me, is about being selfish and miserly.  It's about holding on to things that you should share.  It's all about "me, me, me". It can also be about the fear of "letting go".

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Earthy power, physical forces and skill in directing them
  • Golden Dawn:  Gain of money and influence
  • Gray:  Gain or loss
  • Kaplan:  The miser
  • Waite:  The surety of possessions, cleaving to that which one has

Psychic Revelation
4 of Pentacles

My Interpretation for Today

This may be further to yesterday's 8 of Swords.  I am fearful to let go, even though I know that I should (and very much need to).  Perhaps I need to let go of the way things were and see the way things are and go from there.  Maybe I can't, right now, let go of the situations I know that I need to let go of, but my attitude about them needs to change.

8 of Swords


This is for Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Still catching up...
Just a note:  this one is a leaper!

My Intuitive Interpretation

For me, the 8 of Swords is about being blind to things you should be able to see, bound to things you should be able to let go, and closed in with things you should be able to open.  It's about being fearful to move on, even if you know a situation isn't good for you.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Indecision, waste of energy, crises
  • Golden Dawn:  Narrow or restricted, a prison
  • Waite:  Bad news, crisis, censure, conflict, sickness

Psychic Revelation
8 of Swords

My Interpretation for Today

I know very well what this is about.  I am being presented with many opportunities, but I can't seem to see past one which I know is not necessarily good for me, but sometimes I think I have no choice.  I seem to have a problem letting go (or at least it takes me quite some time) and the 8 of Swords reminds me that, while it may seem I am blind and bound, I can easily remove my binds and blindfold and see the truth.  Sometimes I do forget that.

Friday, April 9, 2010

6 of Cups


This is for Tuesday, April 6, 2010.  Still catching up.

My Intuitive Interpretation

The 6 of Cups, for me, is about nostalgia.  It can even go back as far as your childhood.  It's about remembering the past, both the good and the bad.  Sometimes, we may tend to remember our past mistakes as justification that we still aren't where we want to be.  Sometimes, we relive the times we were happy because we aren't at the moment.  No matter which is the case, the 6 of Cups allows you to be nostalgic for a little while, but warns that living in the past can be detrimental to living in the present and moving forward to the future.

What Dictionary of Tarot Says
  • Case:  Begin of steady gain, new relations, new environment
  • Crowley:  Pleasure, well being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain.  Fulfillment of sexual will.
  • Douglas:  The past, working through the present, will create the future.
  • Gray:  Possibility of clinging too much to the past
  • Waite:  Pleasant memories, nostalgia, the future, new knowledge, new environment,

Psychic Revelation
6 of Cups

My Interpretation for Today

I had a very pleasant day on this day, and I was thinking a lot about the past, although not the far past.  I spent a great deal of time with Greg and I was remembering the time when we met, how we became friends, and how I much I miss seeing him on an almost daily basis.  I also went to see a client and I was remembering how much I really love what I do, as I feel challenged and satisfied.  But I was also confronted with what is really past and that is how it used to be with my former employer.  He is asking me to work for him again and I'm finding that a bit difficult.  In the "good ol' days" as the 6 of Cups reminds me, things were very good, but I became disheartened when everything went to hell.  I realize that I need to distance myself from what has gone before and start anew or I will never get past this.  There will have to be some new rules, of course, but I've been having such a difficult time with it.  I will have to get past the past, or I won't be able to continue...and at this juncture, I don't have many other choices.